A collapsible is a component which expands and collapses a panel.
Lorem dfd dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna sfsd. Ut enim ad minimdfd v eniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Some Link
- Can be controlled or uncontrolled.
- Works for width and height collapsibles.
To use the collapsible machine in your project, run the following command in your command line:
npm install @zag-js/collapsible @zag-js/react # or yarn add @zag-js/collapsible @zag-js/react
npm install @zag-js/collapsible @zag-js/solid # or yarn add @zag-js/collapsible @zag-js/solid
npm install @zag-js/collapsible @zag-js/vue # or yarn add @zag-js/collapsible @zag-js/vue
npm install @zag-js/collapsible @zag-js/svelte # or yarn add @zag-js/collapsible @zag-js/svelte
This command will install the framework agnostic collapsible logic and the reactive utilities for your framework of choice.
First, import the collapsible package into your project
import * as collapsible from "@zag-js/collapsible"
The collapsible package exports two key functions:
— The state machine logic for the collapsible widget.connect
— The function that translates the machine's state to JSX attributes and event handlers.
You'll also need to provide a unique
to theuseMachine
hook. This is used to ensure that every part has a unique identifier.
Next, import the required hooks and functions for your framework and use the collapsible machine in your project 🔥
import * as collapsible from "@zag-js/collapsible" import { normalizeProps, useMachine } from "@zag-js/react" import { useId } from "react" function Collapsible() { const service = useMachine(collapsible.machine, { id: useId() }) const api = collapsible.connect(service, normalizeProps) return ( <div {...api.getRootProps()}> <button {...api.getTriggerProps()}>Collapse Trigger</button> <div {...api.getContentProps()}>Collape Content</div> </div> ) }
import * as collapsible from "@zag-js/collapsible" import { normalizeProps, useMachine } from "@zag-js/solid" import { createMemo, createUniqueId } from "solid-js" function Collapsible() { const service = useMachine(collapsible.machine, { id: createUniqueId() }) const api = createMemo(() => collapsible.connect(service, normalizeProps)) return ( <div {...api().getRootProps()}> <button {...api().getTriggerProps()}>Collapse Trigger</button> <div {...api().getContentProps()}>Collape Content</div> </div> ) }
<script setup> import * as collapsible from "@zag-js/collapsible" import { normalizeProps, useMachine } from "@zag-js/vue" import { computed } from "vue" const service = useMachine(collapsible.machine, { id: "1" }) const api = computed(() => collapsible.connect(service, normalizeProps)) </script> <template> <div v-bind="api.getRootProps()"> <button v-bind="api.getTriggerProps()">Collapse Trigger</button> <div v-bind="api.getContentProps()">Collapse Content</div> </div> </template>
<script lang="ts"> import * as collapsible from "@zag-js/collapsible" import { normalizeProps, useMachine } from "@zag-js/svelte" const id = $ const service = useMachine(collapsible.machine, ({ id })) const api = $derived(collapsible.connect(service, normalizeProps)) </script> <div {...api.getRootProps()}> <button {...api.getTriggerProps()}>Collapse Trigger</button> <div {...api.getContentProps()}>Collape Content</div> </div>
Listening for changes
When the collapsible state changes, the onOpenChange
callback is invoked.
const service = useMachine(collapsible.machine, { onOpenChange(details) { // details => { open: boolean } console.log("collapsible open:", }, })
Disabling the collapsible
Set the disabled
machine context property to true
to disable the
const service = useMachine(collapsible.machine, { disabled: true, })
Animating the collapsible
Use CSS animations to animate the collapsible when it expands and collapses. The
and --width
custom properties are attached to the content part.
@keyframes expand { from { height: 0; } to { height: var(--height); } } @keyframes collapse { from { height: var(--height); } to { height: 0; } } [data-scope="collapsible"][data-part="content"] { overflow: hidden; max-width: 400px; } [data-scope="collapsible"][data-part="content"][data-state="open"] { animation: expand 110ms cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.38, 0.9); } [data-scope="collapsible"][data-part="content"][data-state="closed"] { animation: collapse 110ms cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.38, 0.9); }
Styling guide
Earlier, we mentioned that each collapsible part has a data-part
added to them to select and style them in the DOM.
Open and closed state
When a collapsible is expanded or collapsed, a data-state
attribute is set on
the root, trigger and content elements. This attribute is removed when it is
[data-part="root"][data-state="open|closed"] { /* styles for the collapsible is open or closed state */ } [data-part="trigger"][data-state="open|closed"] { /* styles for the collapsible is open or closed state */ } [data-part="content"][data-state="open|closed"] { /* styles for the collapsible is open or closed state */ }
Focused state
When a collapsible's trigger is focused, a data-focus
attribute is set on the
root, trigger and content.
[data-part="root"][data-focus] { /* styles for the item's focus state */ } [data-part="trigger"][data-focus] { /* styles for the content's focus state */ } [data-part="content"][data-focus] { /* styles for the content's focus state */ }
Methods and Properties
The collapsible's api
exposes the following methods and properties:
Machine Context
The collapsible machine exposes the following context properties:
Partial<{ root: string; content: string; trigger: string; }>
The ids of the elements in the collapsible. Useful for
The controlled open state of the collapsible.defaultOpen
The initial open state of the collapsible when rendered. Use when you don't need to control the open state of the collapsible.onOpenChange
(details: OpenChangeDetails) => void
The callback invoked when the open state changes.onExitComplete
The callback invoked when the exit animation completes.disabled
Whether the collapsible is
The unique identifier of the machine.getRootNode
() => ShadowRoot | Node | Document
A root node to correctly resolve document in custom environments. E.x.: Iframes, Electron.dir
"ltr" | "rtl"
The document's text/writing direction.
Machine API
The collapsible api
exposes the following methods:
Whether the collapsible is open.visible
Whether the collapsible is visible (open or closing)disabled
Whether the collapsible is disabledsetOpen
(open: boolean) => void
Function to open or close the collapsible.measureSize
() => void
Function to measure the size of the content.
Data Attributes
Adheres to the Disclosure WAI-ARIA design pattern.
Keyboard Interactions
- SpaceOpens/closes the collapsible.
- EnterOpens/closes the collapsible.
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